
production scientifique
Latifa Benhamou, Pierres Fenies, Vincent Giard. Potential Benefits of Reverse Blending in the Fertilizer Industry. Advances in Production Management Systems. The Path to Digital Transformation and Innovation of Production Management Systems, pp.227-236, 2020.
Hamza Bouzekri, Gülgün Alpan, Vincent Giard. A Dynamic Hybrid Berth Allocation Problem with Routing Constraints in Bulk Ports. Advances in Production Management Systems. The Path to Digital Transformation and Innovation of Production Management Systems, pp.250-258, 2020,
Najat Bara, Frédéric Gautier, Vincent Giard. An economic evaluation of operational decisions – an application in scheduling evaluation in fertilizer plants. Production Planning and Control, Taylor & Francis, 2020.
Ahlam Azzamouri, Mouna Bamoumen, Hajar Hilali, Vincent Hovelaque, Vincent Giard. Flexibility of dynamic blending with alternative routings combined with security stocks: a new approach in a mining supply chain, International Journal of Production Research,2020,
Azzamouri, A., Baptiste, P., Pellerin, R., Dessevre, G. (2022). Impact of the continuous and periodic assessment of a buffer replenishment on the DDMRP method. à International Journal of Production Research.
Azzamouri, A., Baptiste, P., Dessevre, G., Pellerin, R. (2021). Demand Driven Material Requirements Planning (DDMRP): A systematic review and classification. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 14(3), 439-456.
Bouzekri, H., Alpan, G., & Giard, V. (2021). Integrated Laycan and Berth Allocation and time-invariant Quay Crane Assignment Problem in tidal ports with multiple quays. European Journal of Operational Research, 293(3), 892-909.
Latifa Benhamou, Pierres Fenies, Vincent Giard. Potential Benefits of Reverse Blending in the Fertilizer Industry. Advances in Production Management Systems. The Path to Digital Transformation and Innovation of Production Management Systems, pp.227-236, 2020.
Hamza Bouzekri, Gülgün Alpan, Vincent Giard. A Dynamic Hybrid Berth Allocation Problem with Routing Constraints in Bulk Ports. Advances in Production Management Systems. The Path to Digital Transformation and Innovation of Production Management Systems, pp.250-258, 2020,
Najat Bara, Frédéric Gautier, Vincent Giard. An economic evaluation of operational decisions – an application in scheduling evaluation in fertilizer plants. Production Planning and Control, Taylor & Francis, 2020.
Ahlam Azzamouri, Mouna Bamoumen, Hajar Hilali, Vincent Hovelaque, Vincent Giard. Flexibility of dynamic blending with alternative routings combined with security stocks: a new approach in a mining supply chain, International Journal of Production Research,2020,
Latifa Benhamou, Vincent Giard, Mehdi Khouloud, Pierres Fenies, Frédéric Fontane, Reverse Blending: An economically efficient approach to the challenge of fertilizer mass customization, en collaboration avec Latifa Benhamou, Mehdi Khouloud, Pierres Fenies et Frédéric Fontane, International Journal of Production Economics.
Najat Bara, Frédéric Gautier et Vincent Giard Modélisation d’une chaîne logistique hybride par la simulation à évènements discret, en collaboration avec, Logistique & Management,
Ahlam Azzamouri, Najat Bara, Selwa Elfirdoussi, Imane Essaadi, Frédéric Fontane et Vincent Giard. DSS approach for heterogeneous parallel machines scheduling with due windows, processor-&-sequence-dependent setup and proximate supply chain constraints, International Journal of Production Research. DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2019.1661539
Ahlam Azzamouri, Pierre Fénies, Frédéric Fontane et Vincent Giard. Scheduling of open-pit phosphate mine extraction, International Journal of Production Research, 56:23, 7122-7141, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2018.1433341
Vincent Giard. Problèmes méthodologiques posés par les systèmes de valorisation en management industriel. in Images de la logistique - éclairages managériaux et sociétaux. sous la direction de Gilles Paché. Presses universitaires d’Aix Marseille. ISBN: 9782731410686
Imane Essaadi, Bernard Grabot et Pierre Féniès, Location of global logistic hubs within Africa based on a fuzzy multi-criteria approach, 2019, Computers and Industrial Engineering,
Application development in the process industries; Lager, T. (EMINES). Journal of Business Chemistry; 2014, Vol. 11, Iss.3 (October)
Application development: A strategic corporate innovation activity in the process industries; Storm, P. (KTH) and Lager, T. (EMINES). International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning ; 2015, Issue 2; Vol 10
Open Innovation and Open Production: A Case of a Technology Supplier/User Collaboration in the Process Industries Lager, T. (EMINES), Tano, K. (LKAB) and Anastasijevic, N. (Outotech) International Journal of Innovation Management; 2015, Vol. 19, No. 2 (April)
Ahlam Azzamouri, Pierre Fénies, Frédéric Fontane et Vincent Giard. Scheduling of open-pit phosphate mine extraction, International Journal of Production Research, 56:23, 7122-7141, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2018.1433341
Aallaoui, S., Azzamouri, A., Tchernev, N., (2022). Mixed Integer Linear Programming Model for Open Pit Mine Scheduling. 10th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control. MIM 2022, Nante, France.
Bouzekri, H., Alpan, G., & Giard, V. (2020). Modélisation du problème de l’allocation des planches et des postes à quai dans les ports vraquiers. 13ème Conférence Francophone de Modélisation, Optimisation et Simulation- MOSIM’20, Agadir, Maroc.
Bouzekri, H., Alpan, G., & Giard, V. (2019). Integrated Laycan and Berth Allocation Problem. 2019 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM), Shanghai, China.
Bouzekri, H., Alpan, G., & Giard, V. (2019). Modélisation des problèmes de l’allocation des planches et des postes à quai. 13ème Conférence Internationale de CIGI QUALITA 2019, Montréal, Canada.
Sabah Belil, Nikolay Tchernev et Sylverin Kemmoe-Tchomte. Production planning under demand uncertainty using Monte Carlo simulation approach: a case study in fertilizer industry, IESM 2019 (8th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management), September 2019, Shanghai, Chine. DOI: https://10.1109/IESM45758.2019.8948112.
Sabah Belil, Nikolay Tchernev et Sylverin Kemmoe-Tchomte. Simulation based optimization decision support tool for production planning, MIM 2019 (the 9th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control), Berlin Germany, 28-30 August, 2019.
Sabah Belil, Nikolay Tchernev et Sylverin Kemmoe-Tchomte. Une approche intégrée d’optimisation et de modélisation / simulation à évènements discrets pour la planification d’une chaîne logistique hybride, en collaboration avec CIGI QUALITA 2019 (8th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management), Montréal, Canada, Juin 2019.
Hamza Bouzekri, Gülgün Alpan et Vincent Giard, Integrated Laycan and Berth Allocation and time-invariant Quay Crane Assignment Problem in tidal ports with multiple quay.
Najat Bara, Frédéric Gautier, Vincent Giard, Modelling a Hybrid Supply Chain using Discrete Event,
Najat Bara, Frédéric Gautier et Vincent Giard. Modélisation d’une chaîne logistique hybride par la simulation à évènements discret,, Logistique & Management.
Najoua Alaoui, Ahlam Azzamouri, Selwa Elfirdoussi, Pierre Fenies et Vincent Giard. Système interactif d'aide à la décision pour la planification de l'extraction minière, CIGI QUALITA 2019, Juin 2019, Montréal, Canada,
Najat Bara, Frédéric Gautier, Vincent Giard, Frédéric Fontane. Évaluation économique du pilotage opérationnel - une application aux décisions d’ordonnancement d’un atelier d’engrais. CIGI QUALITA 2019, Juin 2019, Montréal, Canada,
Hamza Bouzekri, Gülgün Alpan et Vincent Giard. Modélisation des problèmes de l’allocation des planches et des postes à quais, en collaboration avec. CIGI QUALITA 2019, Juin 2019, Montréal, Canada,
Latifa Benhamou, Pierre Fenies, Frédéric Fontane, Mehdi Khouloud et Vincent Giard. Reverse blending : une réponse efficace au défi de la personnalisation de masse dans la production de granules, en collaboration avec. CIGI QUALITA 2019, Juin 2019, Montréal, Canada,
Ahlam Azzamouri, Mouna Bamoumen, Hajar Hilali, Vincent Hovelaque et Vincent Giard. Flexibilité du blending dynamique avec gammes alternatives et stock de sécurité : mise en oeuvre sur une chaîne logistique minière, en collaboration avec .CIGI QUALITA 2019, Juin 2019, Montréal, Canada,
Najat Bara, Frédéric Gautier, Vincent Giard et Frédéric Fontane Economic evaluation in decision models: a critical review and methodological propositions, en collaboration avec. EurOMA 2019 (26 th EurOMA Conference) Juin 2019, Helsinki, Finland,
Najoua Alaoui, Ahlam Azzamouri, Selwa Elfirdoussi, Pierre Fénies et Vincent Giard. Interactive Scheduling Decision Support System for ore extraction at a phosphate mine, IESM 2019 (2019 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management) septembre 2019, Shangai, Chine.
Hamza Bouzekri, Gülgün Alpan et Vincent Giard. Integrated Laycan and Berth Allocation Problem, ESM 2019 (2019 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management) septembre 2019, Shangai, Chine.
Vincent Giard. Methodological problems in defining costs used in industrial management decision models.
Najat Bara, Frédéric Gautier et Vincent Giard Modélisation d'une chaîne logistique hybride par la simulation à événements discrets, 12e Conférence Internationale de Modélisation, Optimisation et SIMulation- MOSIM'18, 27-29 juin 2018 - Toulouse, France.
Ahlam Azzamouri et Vincent Giard. Dynamic blending as a source of flexibility and efficiency in managing phosphate supply chain, 7th International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain (ILS Conference, 2018, July 8-11, Lyon, France. Proceeding p.634-645.
Latifa Benhamou, Frédéric Fontane, Vincent Giard et Bernard Grabot The Reverse Blending: an efficient answer to the challenge of required fertilizers variety , en collaboration avec , 7th International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain (ILS Conference 2018, July 8-11, Lyon, France. Proceeding p.434-443.
Mouna Bamoumen, Hajar Hilali, Asma Rakiz, Vincent Hovelaque, et Vincent Giard. Flexi-security stocks, a new approach for semi-raw materials used in blending, 7th International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain (ILS Conference 2018, July 8-11, Lyon, France. Proceeding p.25-34.
Asma RAKIZ, Pierre FENIES, Modeling and analysis of stock related risks in the central axis supply chain of OCP. PHORESNET 2018, The international conference for research on phosphates and derivatives, 10-11 November 2018 Benguerir Morocco.
Sabah. BELIL, Nikolay. TCHERNEV. An optimization approach for production , storage and retrieval planning in the process industry of bulk products, PHORESNET 2018, The international conference for research on phosphates and derivatives, 10-11 November 2018 Benguerir Morocco.
Azzamouri, A., Cheimanoff, N., Fénies, P., Fontane, F., (2018), Proposition de l’approche ASCI-LM pour la construction d’un Lean Mining Responsable dans le contexte de l’industrie minière du phosphate. Rencontres Internationales de la Recherche en Logistique RIRL, Paris– France.
Azzamouri, A., Essaadi, I., Elfirdoussi, S., Giard, V., (2017). Decision Support System for scheduling fertilizer production: Architecture and Implementation. The 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, IFAC, Toulouse, France.
Azzamouri, A., Essaadi, I., Elfirdoussi, S., V Giard, V., (2017). Système Interactif d’Aide à la Décision d’ordonnancement de la production : une application à la production d’engrais dans une chaîne logistique. Information and Communication Technologies in Organizations and Society ICTO, Paris, France.
Sabah.Belil, Sylverin.Kemmoe Tchomte and Nikolay.Tchernev. MILP-based approach to mid-term production planning of batch manufacturing environment producing bulk products, INCOM 2018, 16th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, 11-13 June 2018 Bergamo Italy, IFAC-PapersOnLine, to appear.
Sabah.Belil, Sylverin.Kemmoe Tchomte and Nikolay.Tchernev. An Optimization Approach for a Strategic Balance of Supply and Demand in the Process Industry of Bulk Materials, ILS 2018, International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain, Lyon, France, July 8-11, 2018 to appear.
Najat Bara, Frédéric Gautier et Vincent Giard. Modélisation d'une chaîne logistique hybride par la simulation à événements discrets, 12e Conférence Internationale de Modélisation. Optimisation et SIMulation- MOSIM'18, 27-29 juin 2018 - Toulouse, France. (version provisoire)
Ahlam Azzamouri et Vincent Giard. Dynamic blending as a source of flexibility and efficiency in managing phosphate supply chain. 7th International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain - ILS 2018, July 8-11, Lyon, France. (version provisoire)
Latifa Benhamou, Frédéric Fontane, Bernard Grabot et Vincent Giard. The Reverse Blending: an efficient answer to the challenge of required fertilizers variety. 7th International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain - ILS 2018, July 8-11, Lyon, France. (version provisoire)
Mouna Bamoumen, Vincent Giard, Hajar Hilali, Vincent Hovelaque et Asma Rakiz. Flexi-security stocks, a new approach for semi-raw materials used in blending, en collaboration avec . 7th International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain- ILS 2018, July 8-11, Lyon, France. (version provisoire)
Vincent Giard, Problèmes méthodologiques posés par les systèmes de valorisation en management industriel. in Images de la logistique - éclairages managériaux et sociétaux. Presses universitaires d’Aix Marseille, octobre 2017 (version provisoire)
Ahlam Azzamouri, Pierre Fénies, Frédéric Fontane et Vincent Giard, Modelling the tactical decisions for open-pit-mines, International Journal of Production Research. (
Imane Essaadi, Bernard Grabot, Pierre Féniès, Design of hybrid multimodal logistic hub network with postponement strategy, APMS 2107 (Advances in Production Management Systems), 3-7 septembre 2017 Hamburg,Germany (version provisoire)
Vincent Giard, Methodological problems in defining costs used in industrial management decision models, IESM 2017 (7th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management), Saarbrücken 11-13 octobre 2017, in proceedings publié Springer, p..443-448. Version provisoire dans Cahier de recherche 376 du LAMSADE.
IESM 2017 (7th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management) A MILP for strategic planning of production-inventory network manufacturing bulk materials, S.Belil , S.Kemmoe-Tchomté, and N. Tchernev, pp. 480-485, Saarbrücken, Germany, 11-13 octobre 2017.
ICTO2017 (Information and Communication Technologies in Organizations and Society) Système Interactif d’Aide à la Décision d’ordonnancement de la production : une application à la production d’engrais dans une chaîne logistique, Ahlam Azzamouri, Imane Essaadi, Selwa Elfirdoussi, Vincent Giard. Nanterre, 16-17 mars 2017 (version provisoire). Version anglaise "Interactive Scheduling Decision Support System: case study for fertilizer production on supply chain » à paraitre dans l'ouvrage “Digital Innovation for a better life and a better world” publié chez Springer dans la série "Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation (LNISO)".
IESM 2017 (7th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management). Methodological problems in defining costs used in industrial management decision models (version provisoire dans Cahier de recherche 376 du LAMSADE), Vincent Giard. Saarbrücken 11-13 octobre 2017.
Dynamic blending as a source of flexibility and efficiency in controlling phosphate supply chain, Ahlam Azzaouri & Vincent Giard Cahier de recherche 381 du LAMSADE, 2017.
IMS 2016 (Intelligent Manufacturing System). Location of logistics hubs at national and subnational level with consideration of the structure of the location choice, Imane Essaadi, Bernard Grabot, Pierre Fénies, 05-06 December 2016 Austin (Texas). IFAC-PapersOnLine 49, 155–160 (version provisoire)
RIRL2016, (11ème conférence des Rencontres Internationales de la Recherche en Logistique). Définition d'un Système d'Aide à la Décision d'ordonnancement des commandes sur les lignes de l'atelier d’engrais, Ahlam Azzamouri, Imane Essaadi, Pierre Fénies, Frédéric Fontane et Vincent Giard, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, 7-9 septembre 2016 (version provisoire)
RIRL2016, (11ème conférence des Rencontres Internationales de la Recherche en Logistique). Une approche pour un Lean Mining Responsable: mise en œuvre sur la chaîne logistique de l’OCP. Ahlam Azzamouri, Pierre Fénies, Frédéric Fontane. Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, 7-9 septembre 2016 (version provisoire)
RIRL2016, (11ème conférence des Rencontres Internationales de la Recherche en Logistique). Analytical Mapping of Academic Research on Hubs . Imane Essaadi, Vincent Giard, Bernard Grabot. Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, 7-9 septembre 2016 (version provisoire)
RIRL2016, (11ème conférence des Rencontres Internationales de la Recherche en Logistique). Construction d’un contrôle de gestion opérationnel pour une chaîne logistique continue ou hybride. Pierre Fénies, Vincent Giard, Kawtar Retmi, Janah Saadi, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, 7-9 septembre 2016 (version provisoire)
ILS 2016 (6e congrès de Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain) A DSS approach for heterogeneous parallel machines scheduling with due windows, processor-&-sequence-dependent setup and availability constraints, Vincent Giard, Ahlam Azzamouri, Imane Essaadi, 1-4 juin 2016, Kedge Business School, Bordeaux (version provisoire)
ILS 2016 (6e congrès de Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain) Building an operational controlling system for continuous or hybrid supply chains. Pierre Fenies, Kawtar. Retmi, Janah Saadi et Vincent Giard. 1-4 juin 2016, Kedge Business School, Bordeaux.
A DSS approach for heterogeneous parallel machines scheduling with due windows, processor-&-sequence-dependent setup and proximate supply chain constraints, Ahlam Azzaouri, Imane Essaadi, Pierre Fénies, Fréderic Fontane, Vincent Giard. Cahier de recherche 375 du LAMSADE, 2016.
CIGI2015 Congrès International de Génie Industriel, Propositions de règles de modélisation pour une simulation discrète d’une chaîne logistique hybride (communication n° 29). Mohammed Degoun, Pierre Fénies, Vincent Giard, Kawtar Retmi, Janah Saadi, Université Laval (Québec), 26 au 28 octobre 2015 (version provisoire)
CIGI2015 Congrès International de Génie Industriel,Évaluation de la performance économique d’une chaîne logistique hybride (communication n° 109). Mohammed Degoun, Pierre Fénies, Vincent Giard, Kawtar Retmi, Janah Saadi. Université Laval (Québec), 26 au 28 octobre 2015 (version provisoire)
APMS 2014 (Advances in Production Management Systems, sous le patronage de l’International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP). General Use of the Routing Concept for Supply Chain Modeling Purposes: The Case of OCP S.A, Mohammed Degoun, Amar Drissi, Pierre Fenies, Vincent Giard, Kawtar Retmi, Janah Saadi. in Advances in Production Management Systems: Innovative and Knowledge-Based Production Management in a Global-Local World, Grabot, B., Vallespir, B., Samuel, G., Bouras, A., Kiritsis, D. (Eds.), pp. 323-333, Springer. Ajaccio. 20-24 septembre 2014 (version provisoire)
MOSIM 2014 10th International Conference on Modeling Optimization & Simulation (, (5-7 novembre 2014), Généralisation du concept de gamme pour modéliser les processus logistiques d’une supply chain : le cas de l’OCP. Auteurs : Mohammed Degoun, Amar Drissi, Pierre Fenies, Vincent Giard, Kawtar Retmi, Janah Saadi. (version provisoire)
3rd International Symposium on Innovation and Technology in the Phosphate Industry SYMPHOS May 18 – 20, 2015 (Marrakech); Managing Innovation & Technology in the Process Industries: Current practices and future perspectives, Thomas Lager.
22nd EurOMA Conference (European Operations Management Association) June 26 – July 1, 2015 Neuchatel, Switzerland; Bridging the R&D – Manufacturing interface: the case of packaging innovation at Nestlé, Gamal, R.(Nestlé), and Lager, T.
R&D Management Conference (RADMA) 23 – 26 June, 2015 Pisa, Italy, Instituto di Management, Scuola Superiore Sant´Anna. From customer understanding to product understanding: the case of fuzzy front end innovation at the LKAB company, Tottie, M. (LKAB); Lager, T. (EMINES); Nordqvist, S. (Luleå University of Technolohy).
APMS 2014 International Conference – Advances in Production Management Systems ( sous le patronage de l’International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP (20-24 septembre 2014). General Use of the Routing Concept for Supply Chain Modeling Purposes: The Case of OCP S.A, Mohammed Degoun, Amar Drissi, Pierre Fenies, Vincent Giard, Kawtar Retmi, Janah Saadi.
MOSIM 2014 10th International Conference on Modeling Optimization & Simulation (, (5-7 novembre 2014), Généralisation du concept de gamme pour modéliser les processus logistiques d’une supply chain : le cas de l’OCP. Auteurs : Mohammed Degoun, Amar Drissi, Pierre Fenies, Vincent Giard, Kawtar Retmi, Janah Saadi.
3rd International Symposium on Innovation and Technology in the Phosphate Industry SYMPHOS May 18 – 20, 2015 (Marrakech); Managing Innovation & Technology in the Process Industries: Current practices and future perspectives, Thomas Lager.
22nd EurOMA Conference (European Operations Management Association) June 26 – July 1, 2015 Neuchatel, Switzerland; Bridging the R&D – Manufacturing interface: the case of packaging innovation at Nestlé, Gamal, R.(Nestlé), and Lager, T.
R&D Management Conference (RADMA) 23 – 26 June, 2015 Pisa, Italy, Instituto di Management, Scuola Superiore Sant´Anna. From customer understanding to product understanding: the case of fuzzy front end innovation at the LKAB company, Tottie, M. (LKAB); Lager, T. (EMINES); Nordqvist, S. (Luleå University of Technolohy).
Congrès International de Génie Industriel, Université Laval (Québec), 26 au 28 octobre 2015, Propositions de règles de modélisation pour une simulation discrète d’une chaîne logistique hybride, Communication n° 29 ; Mohammed Degoun, Pierre Fénies, Vincent Giard, Kawtar Retmi, Janah Saadi.
Congrès International de Génie Industriel, Université Laval (Québec), 26 au 28 octobre 2015), Évaluation de la performance économique d’une chaîne logistique hybride. Communication n° 109, Mohammed Degoun, Pierre Fénies, Vincent Giard, Kawtar Retmi, Janah Saadi.
ILS Conference 2016, 1 au 4 Juin 2016, Kedge Business School Campus, A DSS approach for heterogeneous parallel machines scheduling with due windows, processor-&-sequence-dependent setup and availability constraints, Vincent Giard, Ahlam Azzamouri, Imane Essaadi (accepté).
Rencontres Internationales de la Recherche en Logistique et Supply Chain Management, Conférence internationale RIRL 2016, 7 au 9 septembre 2016, l’Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Définition d’un Système d’Aide à la Décision d’ordonnancement des commandes sur les lignes de l’atelier d’engrais, Ahlam Azzamouri, Imane Essaadi, Pierre Fénies, Frédéric Fontane, Vincent Giard (accepté).
Rencontres Internationales de la Recherche en Logistique et Supply Chain Management, Conférence internationale RIRL 2016, 7 au 9 septembre 2016, l’Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Méthodologie d’application du Lean mining responsable : mise en œuvre sur la Supply Chain de l’OCP, Ahlam Azzamouri, Pierre Fenies, Frédéric Fontane (accepté)
Participation à des ouvrages collectifs
Belil Sabah, Rakiz Asma et Retmi Kawtar. (2019) An Integrated Approach for Supply Chain Tactical Planning and Cash Flow Valuation. In: Ameri F., Stecke K., von Cieminski G., Kiritsis D. (eds) Advances in Production Management Systems. Towards Smart Production Management Systems. APMS 2019. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 567. Springer, Cham, ISBN 978-3-030-29996-5 (version papier) et 978-3-030-29995-8 (e-book).
Ahlam Azzamouri, Imane Essaadi, Selwa Elfirdoussi et Vincent Giard. Interactive Scheduling Decision Support System: case study for fertilizer production on supply chain, en collaboration avec, in ICT for a better life and a better world - the impact of information and communication technologies on Organizations and Society, p. 131-148, Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-10736-9 (version papier) et ISBN 978-3-030-10737-6 (e-book)
Hamza Bouzekri, Gülgün Alpan, Vincent Giard. A Dynamic Hybrid Berth Allocation Problem with Routing Constraints in Bulk Ports. Advances in Production Management Systems. The Path to Digital Transformation and Innovation of Production Management Systems, pp.250-258, 2020,